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E-Participation Policy

About eParticipation:

The Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA) seeks to sustainably improve the quality and competitiveness of the education and training sector. It believes that communication with the public through eParticipation has become the easiest way to connect with the most active stakeholders.

Based on the above, ‘eParticipation’ allows all stakeholders to express their opinions and submit their suggestions on various topics, through the BQA’s official website and its official accounts on various social networking sites and interact with them in a professional manner that satisfies the public.

eParticipation Policy:

Principle of participation:
The Education and Training Quality Authority encourages all stakeholders to present their views through the BQA’s official electronic channels, whether through direct communication through these channels or through participation in surveys and questionnaires. The Authority is committed to ensuring the greatest highest transparency in interacting with those views and suggestions and analyzing them for use in the decision-making process.

Participation Tools:
Communication with the Authority social networking sites.

Interaction with responses and suggestions:
The Authority shall follow up on all the posts that the public displays carefully and respond to them as follows:

- Communicate with the public through an efficient, professional, and respectful team.

- Respond to inquiries with accurate information, in a timely manner, without delay.

- The Authority shall publish the results of the questionnaires and opinion polls in accordance with its procedures.

- The Authority has the right to reply and comment on the new and unrepeatable suggestions and posts but not necessarily on all participations. 

- The Authority has the right to amend, delete or block duplicate posts or violate the terms and conditions of the site.

Terms and Conditions:
Participants must comply with the terms and conditions of the website, as well as the laws in force in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Scope of Implementation of eParticipation Policy:

The eParticipation policy applies to all topics that are raised or deliberated through the BQA’s official website or through its official accounts on the following social networking sites:

Under no circumstances shall the Authority, or any of its employees, be liable for any legal liability arising from comments and remarks posted through its eParticipation official channels. It also assumes no legal liability for any information, data or suggestions published on the Authority other than its official websites and accounts.