“BQA" Holds the First NQF Advisory Committee Meeting Institutional listing of a Higher Education Institution, placement of (4) national qualifications, and alignment of (4) foreign qualifications on the NQF are recommended


The NQF Advisory Committee of the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA) recommended the institutional listing of a higher education institution, placement of (4) national qualifications on the NQF, which are offered by three higher education institutions and VET institutions and alignment of (4) foreign qualifications on the NQF as they met the requirements and standards for institutional listing, qualification placement and alignment of foreign qualifications.


This took place during the first virtual meeting of the NQF Advisory Committee of this year, which was held under the chairmanship of the Dr. Maryam Mustafa, Chief Executive of the Education and Training Quality Authority and in the presence of Committee members.


During the meeting, a report on the Directorate of National Framework Operations (DFO) achievements was reviewed in terms of the registration of the NQF operations during the academic year 2023-2024, annual follow-up of  the VET institutions and qualifications and receipt of applications that were scheduled for the second term of this academic year.



The Directorate of National Framework Operations (DFO) seeks to implement a number of initiatives and projects, including the conduct of a periodic survey of various qualifications in the Kingdom of Bahrain; in addition to the review and automation of its operations to identify the areas for improvement and development. Furthermore, the BQA participation in the development of the GCC Unified NQF was discussed.
